Tuesday, December 29, 2009

New Years Resolution Comes Early

Well, It's that time of year again. Those who really know me, know that I take my New Years Resolutions very seriously. For example: on January 1, 2004, I vowed to give up ice cream for 3 months along with my two girls. That was no easy task as Ice cream was my absolutely favorite stress reducing crutch... but we did it. The following year, Sam and I renewed our resolution with a 6 months abstinence. Once again, challenging, BUT We did it! The following year I was to go solo with an extension to one full calendar year. I haven't had ice cream since and my stomach is all the happier for it.

 That brings me to 2010. Yes, I'll continue to give up ice cream, but I've decided to add an important resolution for this upcoming new year. My friend Arnie had been pushing me for quite some time to market Mudge Studios. Well... After a long chat with Gary, my brother in law, I've decided to make a commitment  to develop some social networking to promote Mudge Studios. He suggested that I really concentrate my efforts in branding Mudge Studios. To get Mudge Studios out there on everything including Twitter. Well, Part of that promotion will be to maintain a blog. That is where the hard part comes in. Typing for me, takes forever, but I will promise myself to post something Mudge Studios related at least once a week. It does look promising, as today is Dec. 29th and I've already activated my Blogger account and made my first posting:)

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