Here you'll find a Variety Of ABC Lost Fan shirts and gift items by Mudge Studios. Our first Lost design features the famous DHARMA Initiative icon with a fan graphic at the center identifying the wearer of this cool shirt as a Lost Fan. Mudge's next design features the mysterious Lost island complete with Dharma station logos. Slogans include: Greetings from Lost Island- wish you were here. Another Lost design feature's Sawyer's yummy fish biscuits and the slogan... I'm Lost, but dont look for me. Check out examples below.

Mudge also posted a unique Lost Fan design at another premium shop as a way to disperse the volume of designs. This design features a great quote from Jacob... "It happens only once. Anything that happens before that is just progress". Mudge brought this Cool Quote from Jacob of Lost brought to life on Lost shirts and gift items with Graphics that feature the eye of Providence found on the back of our dollar bills. The all seeing eye is replaced by the Oceanic Airlines logo making this Lost design something unique. I always thought that logo looked strange. Also tied in are the Egyptian pyramid, because there are several references to ancient Eygpt, and the infamous number sequence 4,8,15,16,23,42. Unfortunately, season six provides the bittersweet finale and destiny will be found. Here is a look at the design described above and it can be found here.
Love My Sox is where Mudge Studios' Lost designs can also be found. This series features a theme such as I'm gonna be Lost without Sawyer. These shirts and gift items are for fans of Lost's James "Sawyer" Ford- the lovable con man who seems to come up with multiple nicknames for all the others stranded on the mysterious island. Of course Kate, Jack, Locke, and Hurley are represented as well...
Well, if you are a lost fan- we hope that you enjoy these cool Lost designs. Thanks for looking.
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