Friday, January 15, 2010

Finally a Few Vball Designs

One of my favorite sports that I participate in these days is volleyball. My absolute favorite volleyball is sand doubles... even better when played on the beach! Recently, Lately, I've really cultivated an appreciation for the indoor game. After watching the journey that the U.S. Men took to bring home the gold, I was hooked on sixes. Before that, I really only played indoor 6's to stay active during the winter months. Now, I get excited to play on Mondays in a coed league and on Thursday for pick up play.
Anyway, I had some down time while I'm waiting for a baseball project to come to fruition. I made the opportunity to design a variety of volleyball designs. I feature my volleyball designs at both my Mudge Studio shops on both Zazzle and CafePress. The volleyball designs featured below serve only as a small sampling of the variety of volleyball t-shirts and designs that Mudge Studios offers.

Volleyball designs include: Block Party, Beach Volleyball, I dig Volleyball, Spike Like a Girl, You've been served, Tooled and More. Mudge Studios hopes that you find that these volleyball designs make great volleyball gift ideas for volleyball players, family, friends and fans of all ages. Doesn't matter whether you or they play indoors or on the beach, sixes or doubles, same gender or coed- volleyball rocks. 

Mudge Studios Zazzle shop offers the ability to customize and personalize many of our Volleyball designs... See the above volleyball shirt when you click here. Can you dig it?

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