Monday, December 10, 2012

Don't be a Cyberbully

Don't be a Cyberbully Tshirts and More by Mudge Studios from "Stamp Out CyberBullying. Join together as family, friends, authorities and fellow human beings to make Cyber-Bullies aware that cyber bullying is a crime and it will be punished. Check out our Cool Anti-CyberBullying shirts and gift items featuring a circle slashed computer monitor with the attributes of an angry crossed-out bull. Don't be a Cyberbully!"
Stamp Out Cyberbullying Tshirts
Don't be a Cyberbully Tshirts by mudgestudios
A couple of years ago, Mudge created a Stop Cyber-Bullying Logo to be used on a variety of products like t-shirts, buttons, stickers, etc. to help grow awareness for the growing problem of Cyberbullying. Since then, we've gotten to know a couple of families that have had children tormented in this fashion right here in our local school system.
These days with many more stories being told in the media, most people are now aware of Cyberbullying. Cyberbullying has some similarities to traditional bullying- only Cyberbullying is perpetrated through the use of today's high technology. Quite often this allows today's bully the ability to  harass their target easily and anonymously. In many cases, the damage caused by today's form of Bullying can be exponentially worse than in the days of the school yard bully. Armed with the access to the internet and the ability to bombard a victim with endless text messages, a Cyber-Bully can send a multitude of threatening emails and texts to the victims in a variety of forms. In the age of information, Cyberbullies have also learned how to gain easy access to the personal information of their targets and then exploit this at websites or in forums and bulletin boards.  Sometimes the Cyberbully will even creating false accounts in order to impersonate and humiliate their victims with damaging rumors, etc in these forums. Cyberbullies intentionally build a relentless campaign to bring together the target's peers in an effort to gang up and collectively destroy their victims. 
As one could imagine, the psychological abuse suffered by the victims of cyberbullying can lead to permanent scarring- especially if assistance is not sought. This can happen to anybody, but imagine the plight of a teenager or young person who feels isolated and feels that they can not turn to their parents or an authority figure for help. It is not surprising that depression, and in some extreme cases, suicide can be the devastating result. Fortunately, the level of awareness of Cyber Bullying has risen dramatically over the last few years. New legislation is being introduced and passed in many states. Cyberbullying is recognized as a serious crime and perpetrating it will have the Consequence of the Law.
As mentioned above, the education of the awareness of cyberbullying has improved. Mudge Studios has also taken the time to improve the design of our Stop Cyberbullying logo. Education, Awareness and Legislation are the keys to Stopping this old school crime gone new school.

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